Monday, May 5, 2014


Why hello there! My name is "Mouse"... not really. It's just a silly nickname that someone made up in December that I took a liking to. Anyways, I've created this blog to literally spill my entire life onto. It will consist of my complaints, raves, life events, etc. I realized that I needed to find a place where I can just say whatever the heck I would like to and just simply be myself. It's necessary in my opinion for my mental health to just... well... spill!
I'm 16 and about to finish up my sophomore year in high school. I absolutely love to ballroom dance, ride and train horses, raise and show rabbits, travel, take pictures (non-professionally), draw, paint, read, learn, and more. I'm a total introvert at school and in most public surroundings unless I am accompanied by an absolutely fabulous person who makes me feel comfortable in my own skin. This is mainly due to social anxiety that developed in elementary school as the result of bullying. I find myself extremely inhibited. However, this is a mental battle. I have come a long way by slowly teaching myself that I am, indeed, beautiful as a person. Unfortunately I still have a long way to go before I can say that I have cured myself of my impairing anxiety.
It's not that I'm an outcast, emo, depressed, or alone. I'm nothing of the sort. The problem is that while I could have a great social life and numerous young men wrapped around my finger, I have spent nearly half of my entire life being silent and afraid of interacting with other people. It is a habit that developed over nearly a decade. It will take ages to break but I am willing to take on the challenge in order to lead a normal life.
That aside, through spending hours on this blog, I hope to eventually find myself. The person that I have hidden within that holds all of the potential I dream of. Additionally, I hope to document my life and make sure that certain events are not forgotten in weeks, months, and years to come. Maybe my blog will teach me a lot about myself. I'm excited to see where this new journey takes me!

                                                                                           Over and out,


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